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October 15, 2012
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – October 15, 2012
Town Hall Annex

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins
& Alex Fiandaca Princeton Historical Commission as a visitor

The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm

The minutes of the September meeting were approved.

Alex Fiandaca Princeton Historical Commission
Alex attended the meeting to bring us up-to-date on the Historical Commission’s plans and progress restoring gravestones in Meetinghouse Cemetery. She reported they had a workshop September 24 – 25. About 15 stones have been reset – some quite large. Several more still need fixing. They are checking on getting further grants although there are not a lot available. They suggest the grave stone fragments found need a cataloging system to identify and save the interesting ones, perhaps burying them in a specific spot rather than putting them in the vault as previously suggested. The vault is quite inaccessible. The old Bagg stones from Meetinghouse Cemetery should be moved over to Woodlawn Cemetery to be associated with the newer grave sites at Woodlawn.
Perhaps a monument display could be set up in the PHS museum room in the Center.
Meetinghouse cemetery contains approximately 300+ graves. The oldest is dated 1770 and the newest 1921.
They estimate there are perhaps 40 more stones in need of restoration.

Superintendent’s Report
Bruce reported there have been a number of compliments received on the improved appearance of South Cemetery including a note to the Selectmen from a citizen.

The new trees for South should arrive this week and will be planted upon arrival. In addition, two trees from Woodlawn have been moved to South with the aide of the Highway Department.

Two lots were sold in South Cemetery
There were no burials

Bruce had agreed to present a list of longer term needs of the cemeteries. The list follows
Projected cemetery needs –

Woodlawn – Regrade the entry to enable the gates to be closed. Cost estimated at $3k to
Locate and raise sunken stones – estimate there may be several hundred.
In the added section – in the part created with sandy fill without loam – redo top 5-6’ with loam – cost estimated $6k to $8k

West – Develop gate posts like Meetinghouse

North – Road improvement. Take care of dead tree.

Meetinghouse – Brooks iron fence – repair or remove. Check with Bud Brooks when he
        returns from south to see if family is interested.

All cemeteries – Review all the trees and prioritize their maintenance.

In OK shape. Salaries OK. About 37% expended
Bruce’s assistant is leaving next week.

Next year
Bruce would like to take less responsibility, getting away from the maintenance portion of the job.

Superintendent’s Job Description
The town’s consultant has drafted a job description which seems somewhat general.

Next Meeting – November 19, 2012

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.


L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
